Royal Fera Cuala - ROYAL SEAT skirting Ó Cualann (Great Sugar Loaf)

The ancient name for The Great Sugar Loaf is Ó Cualann. It is my theory that this signifies the seat of the
ancient Kingdom. I have just found the confirmation of this (12th March 2021) (click on yellow button above). The base of the Sugar Loaf is abundant in ancient sites. I propose that Coolnaskeagh, Cúil na Sceach in Irish, sceach being the mystical whitehorn or hawthorn bush associated with the faeries, and Coolagad, Cúil an Ghaid in Irish, two extremely signigicant sites, one a hillfort, one a rath (ringfort), are linked in name to the Cuala; that the prefix has in fact the root Cuala and not the Irish word cúil meaning corner or angle as has been the general thinking. Gad is related to the Viking name for path - it is very possible this was added to the original name connected to Cuala - the Cuala Gad - path to the Cuala, and the Cuala Sceach - Mythological Whitethorn Tree of the Cuala.
Crede Mihi (ancient register) gives Glinkapyl as the name of Glencap Commons on the foot of the Sugar Loaf: I propose that the origins of the name are Glen Capall - Glen of the horses - connecting the place to royalty, as horses were the privilege of the royals.
I propose that Calary was Cuala Rí - Kings of Cuala - there isn't an alternative logical root for the name. In Calary Lower there is a ASI listed ringfort/ rath (W1012-057) supporting this - it backs onto Downshill - Cnoc an Dúin - Hill of the Fort - the Hillfort registered with ASI (W1013-001), and the ASI listed enclosure and platform at Woodlands, Downshill (W1013-002). At Calary we find a ritual site - a holywell - (W1007-056), two more enclosures, a cist grave, two ballaun stones, the ringfort/ rath at Calary Church, two examples of rock art, a flat burial site - all listed with the ASI. Calary lies at the base of Ó Cualann - The Sugar Loaf. The site is named after the Cualann in ancient Ireland and has all the features of a royal site.
Could Kilcoole be Coill Cuala - woodland of the Cuala and Rathcoole be ringfort of the Cuala - all part of the Kingdom of Cuala. Glencullen, which has an enclosure recorded on the ASI could also be Glen of the Cualann, rather than Glen of the Cuileann (Holly) as currently thought.
I propose the possibility of the placenames connected with the Cuala leading us to the location of the Slí Cualann, the famous Highway leading from Dublin to The Hill of Tara.
i suggest that in many cases names associated with the Cuala have been confused with the Irish words for cúl meaning back/ angle/ corner, coille meaning forest and cuileann meaning Holly. Here is a list of local placenames I propose pertain to the Kingdom of Cuala. The current name is first - with my suggestion following:
Coolagad - Cuala Gat - Path to Cuala
Coolnasceagh - Sacred Hawthorn of the Cuala
Downshill (Coille na Dúin)
Glencullen - Glen Cualann
Ballycoyle - Baile na Cuala
Barchuillia - Bothar Cuala
Barnacullia - Bothar na Cuala
Calary - Cuala Rí
Coolakay - Cuala Key
Glenkap (Glinkapyl) - Glen na gCapall
Hollybrook - Brook of the Cualann
Kilcoole - Coill Cuala
Cullenmore - Cualann mór
Cullentragh - Cualan Trá
Lugnaquillia - Lug na Cualann
Rathcoole - Rath Cuala
Kilcullen - Coill Cuala
The Importance of the Kingdom of Cuala in Ancient Ireland
The Cuala (C(h)ualann was an ancient Kingdom in South Dublin and North and East Wicklow would appear to have run from Arklow to the Liffey, taking in much of North East Wicklow including Glendalough, and including the coastline from Bray to Wicklow, including Dalkey and Delgany.
It would appear that the territories ogf the Cualann at various times overlapped those of the Fortuatha Laigean which ran from Glendalough to the sea.
The Cuala Way - Slíghe Cualann was a famous Royal Highway running from Dublin to The Hill of Tara. It has been suggested by Henry Morris that the Fir Chualann, men of Cuala, were originally living in the Kingdom of Brega and around Tara, until the Battle of Crionna when they were displaced by Ciannachta. Cellach Cualann who died in 715 was a King of Leinster, as were Crimthann mac Áedo of Cuala, who died in 663, and Tuathal son of Cremthann, King of Cuala, who died in 778, affirming that at one time the largely forgotten Cuala were significant in Ireland.
Cuala, son of Breogán, was brother to the three founders of Breige, Muirtheimhne and Cuailgne (Lebor Gabála Érenn)..
Medb Lethderg, the goddess of sovereignity associated with Tara in Irish mythology was daughter of Cónan King of Cuala. The Ale of Cuala was the right of the High King of Ireland or the King of Leinster, this is thought to refer to Quenn Meadhbh, daughter of Conan King of Cuala, and fher symbolic bestowing of sovereignity upon the King.
The Royal Meeting Place of the Uí Bruin Cualann:
This hill is known by some as the Royal Meeting Place - I heard this from my Dad who always knew it as such. It is not currently listed with the NMS but I have requested they look into it. I noticed that in this monument rich area of Calary it can be seen from many different vantage points and is a clear landmark. Could the Kings and Queens of the Uí Briuin Cualann be buried there?
It is very near the possible Royal Highway, which would have linked up with Downshill and then on to Glen of the Downs and Coolagad Hillfort, via Villa Udencha (now Ballydonagh), ( 10.2.21 - update possible home of Donnchadh King of Bray). The Royal Highway is proposed in the paper by Stephen Casey M.Phil 'A Possible Royal Site near Calary, Co. Wicklow' (thanks to Michael Martin for sending in the paper). I have taken a screenshot of the Royal Highway (yellow arrows) on Google maps to illustrate the fields Stephen Casey is referring to.