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12th March 2021 - I have just discovered the answer to a centuries old mystery: the exact location of the Kingdom of Cualann!

The exact Location of the Kingdom of Fera Cuala:

The Kingdom of the Uí Briúin Cualann has as it's centre point ÓCualann - the Great Sugar loaf. Take the mid-point from Glaskenny in Enniskerry to Windgates and run a line 5 miles long to Old Downs Rd.  Run another line from the Little Sugar loaf  through the Summit of Ó Cualann (Great Sugar Loaf) for 5 miles to Powerscourt Waterfall.

The following townlands are mentioned - the names in brackets are suggestions which I'll have to research more:


Barnecullen                       - Barnacoille Commons

Glassyn-kie                        - Glaskenny                      

Windgates                        - Windgates

Pollcallen                            -


Included in the Kingdom:


Kilcollin                               -

Beanaghabegge                - Bahana

Benaghmore                      - (Barnamire?)

Onenaghe                          - Oonagh

Ballycortie                          - (Ballycorus?/ Ballycoyle?)

Templeregan                     - (Ballyremon?)

Kiltagarrane                       - (Curtlestown?)

Cokiston                             - Cookstown

Ancrewyn                           - Annacrivey

Killmolinkey                       - Kilmalin

Ballynbrowne                    - (Ballybawn?)

Killegar                                - Killegar

Mainistir                             - Monastery



Here is the source: John O'Donovan's 1847 translation of Leabhar na nGeart - The Book Of Rights, an ancient Irish text. 

In his notes O'Donovan references Tirlagh O'Toole's 1636 appeals to the King to return the ancient land of Cuala which belonged to his forefathers. 

Note the reference to "villages and craggs recte creaghts of old time" old places which had been long lost by 1636 - but which O'Toole's family clearly knew about. 


Cualann - The situation and extent of this territory have been strangely mistaken by modern Irish writers But we have evidences which will leave no doubt as to its exact situation for in the Feilire Ænguis the churches of Tigh Conaill Tigh mic Dimmai and Dun mor are placed in Cualann And in an inquisition taken at Wicklow on the 21st of April 1636 the limits of Fercoulen i e Feara Cualann are defined as follows The said Tirlagh O Toole humbly desireth of his Majestie to have a certain territory of land called Fercoulen which his ancestors had till they were expulsed by the earls of Kildare That the said territory containeth in length from Barnecullen by east and south and Glassyn kie to Pollcallon by west the wind gates viz five miles in length and four in breadth being the more part mountaines woods and rocks and the other parte good fertile lands Within the said territory were certain villages and craggs recte creaghts of old tyme being now all desolate excepte onely Powerscourt Killcollin Beanaghebegge Benaghmor the Onenaghe Ballycortie Templeregan Kiltagarrane Cokiston Ancrewyn Killmollinky Ballynbrowne Killeger and the Mainster From this description of the territory the Feara Cualann it is quite evident that it was then considered as coextensive with the half barony of Rathdown in the north of the county of Wicklow and adjoining the county of Dublin









Cuala Kingdom.png
Cuala Kingdom 2.png


The Greater Glen of the Downs Area, Ancient Royal territory of Fera Cuala (Uí Briuin Cualann), is a very special place indeed significant for its natural, archaeological, aesthetic, and cultural heritage.

The area encompasses the 12,000 year old Glacial Valley in its dramatically beautiful setting at Glen of the Downs. The Valley, famed for its ancient Sessile Oak forest, is a Nature Reserve, hugely important for local biodiversity,  through which the Ancient Three Trout Stream runs giving life as it flows. Glen of the Downs is nestled between the two 3000 year old Bronze Age Hillforts of Coolagad and Downshill, once occupied by King of Dublin Sitric Silkenbeard and Uagaire King of Leinster who fought against each other in the Battle of Delgany 1022. Downshill, the ancient name of which is Dúin Caillighe Béirre - referencing the Ancient Irish Goddess of Nature Caileach Bearra. 

Calary at  the foot of the Great Sugar Loaf is the location of ringforts, an Ancient Royal Highway and a beautiful hill known as the Royal Meeting Place. The 18th Century LaTouche Estate at Bellevue Demesne lies equidistant between the hillforts - the Gardens once home to the largest glasshouses in Europe. The villages of Downshill and Delgany are steeped with history;  Coolagad stands sentry over the seaside town of Greystones, location of Kindlestown Castle, Killincarrig Castle and once site of Rathdown Castle.

Glen of the Downs Sites.jpg

Kingdom of Cuala

c. Yasmin Fortune 2021

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